Bitget token (BGB) price, chart and news online

Bitget token (BGB) detailed overview of price changes for the last week, month, year and other time periods in US dollars (USD). It includes the average values of the Bitget token cryptocurrency, determined on global exchanges and DEX. We offer graphs and historical development of cryptocurrency in US dollars. Latest information updated every day.


Bitget token (BGB)

Actual price
Previous price
Change in 24 hours
7.34% ($0.12)

Bitget token chart of price and exchange rate in USD

Price range
$1.583 - $1.725
Period of the price chart
2024/11/29 - 2024/12/06
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Financial indicators

$2 415 000 033
Volume 24h:
$26 082 876

Bitget token quantity

Coins in circulation:
1 400 000 000
Coins mined:
2 000 000 000

About Bitget token

Launch date:

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What is Bitget token (BGB)?

Bitget Token (BGB) is a native cryptocurrency of the Bitget platform and functions as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. BGB forms the foundation of the Bitget ecosystem and ensures its smooth operation and benefits for token holders. Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange platform, known for its features for both individual and institutional traders. BGB has many uses in the Bitget ecosystem, including discounts on trading fees, participation in governance, promotions, and campaigns. Bitget was founded by Sandra Lou in 2018.

Price history

Year Min price Max price Average

What is Bitget token (BGB) price?

The Bitget token cryptocurrency symbol BGB currently costs $1.725.

How much is Bitget token cryptocurrency?

There are 1 400 000 000 Bitget token cryptocurrency coins in circulation.

When was Bitget token cryptocurrency the cheapest?

The lowest value of Bitget token cryptocurrency was only $0.5448 in 2024. Cryptocurrency price data tracked since 2018.

When was Bitget token cryptocurrency the most expensive?

The highest value of Bitget token cryptocurrency was a dizzying $1.762 in 2024. Cryptocurrency price data tracked since 2018.

Latest Bitget token news

Bitget Token, a trending cryptocurrency, has gained significant media attention due to its innovative features. As the native coin of Bitget exchange, it is favored for its utility values like fee discounts and voting rights. Watch this space for more!

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